The shooting at the Planned Parenthood Clinic, as many of you heard Sunday, affected me on a deep level as a volunteer abortion clinic escort. The shooting in San Bernardino just destroyed me, as it destroyed so many of you. I’m feeling just emotionally spent.
How do we keep hope alive when this year there have been more mass shootings than there have been days? How do we keep hope alive when never have time to breathe between the latest national tragedy? How to we keep hope alive when we have to explain this to our children and shatter their innocence?
If you thought I had answers, well, I just don’t.
Lobbying our politicians for sensible gun control doesn’t seem to work, as a large portion of our culture thinks the answer is more guns, not fewer. It’s going to take a culture change for America to move away from seeing mass violence as any sort of answer, and we just aren’t there yet. And it’s just so easy to become numb to the hopelessness we feel.
The worst thing we can do is go numb. And it’s the easiest way to cope right now.
It is so easy to see the news of another mass shooting and move on to what’s on Netflix. To just put it out of our minds in favor of something that helps us cope with our already difficult lives. When tragedy strikes, yes, going numb is one way to cope. But I think we’re called as people of a liberal faith to feel the hurt, to feel the pain in our hearts of another tragedy, to shed tears.
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The tears remind us that we’re human. That we still have an open heart, that we haven’t completely closed ourselves off from the world. That we still hope for a world where these sorts of mass shootings don’t happen.
Our faith calls us to have an open heart no matter how much it hurts. Our faith calls us to grieve a world where violence is ordinary. Our faith calls us to mourn all those affected by violence – from mass shootings to bullying.
We can’t go numb from yet another mass shooting. Keep your hearts open, grieve and mourn. Pray, meditate, or connect with the universe however you so choose.
The time for action draws near, but we need to take action with a faithful, open heart. Take time to be with the pain that comes from having a faithful, open heart. Take care of yourself and take care of your family, so we can take care of the Earth.
The culture change it will take to change our culture of violence begins with us. It begins with us teaching our children to approach live nonviolently. It begins with us renewing our commitment, this Holiday season, to peace on Earth. It begins with our open hearts. It begins with our pain. It begins with our tears.
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